This is my submission for Wowie Jam 2022. 
The aim of the game is to kill the boss, the yellow alien that shoots missiles. There is AI in the game, which you can give abilities too at the cost of your own abilities. 

The game is designed for speedrunnning, highest times that I have found with this game is 47 seconds.  My personal best is 1 minute 47 seconds.  

There are some hidden secrets in the game, and with it, you can get much faster runs. 

Known bugs: 

Safari- the game is slower for some people. 

Does not work on some browser for some reason, there is lag and framerate drops. 


WowieJam.exe 41 MB


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I don't like to be negative but when I pressed space every sound duplicated so I did that 10 more times and now I'm dead

Ooh I have no idea what happened, but I hope it didn’t ruin the experience too much. I’ve heard that there are a few bugs here and there, but I’m pretty sure pressing space shouldn’t do anything in theory. 

Nice game!

thx a lot